散策・血路の先へ Beyond Escape
エーデルガルト: 師、再会してすぐに、戦力に組み込んでしまって申し訳ないわ。
Edelgard: Professor... I'm sorry to have dragged you into the fight again so soon after our reunion.
But you appeared at a most opportune time.
I'm truly humbled by your support, my teacher. Thank you.
Choice 1: 任せて You can count on me.
エーデルガルト: ええ、5年前と変わらぬ活躍を、信じているわ。
Edelgard: And so I will. I'm hoping your ability from five years prior are still intact.
Choice 2: 鈍っていそうで心配 I hope I'm not rusty...
エーデルガルト: 貴方は心配と言いながら、いつもどうにかしてしまうじゃないの。
Edelgard: You may be worried, but you shouldn't be. You always manage to pull through.
エーデルガルト: ふふ……出撃の準備をお願いね。
Edelgard: Make sure you're ready to head out, OK?
Allow me to brief you...
ヒューベルト: もう少し、詳細な現状をお伝えしましょう。
Hubert: Allow me to brief you on the details of our situation.
The Empire firmly controls the western portion of Faerghus. However, the central and eastern regions continue to put up heavy resistance.
The strongholds in these regions are Arianrhod, the Fortress City, and Fhirdiad, the Kingdom Capital.
We cannot control Faerghus until we have taken both of these cities.
ヒューベルト: 同盟は、グロスタール家はコーデリア家が親帝国の姿勢を示しつつも……
Hubert: As for the Alliance, Houses Gloucester and Ordelia seem predisposed to capitulate to us.
However, due to interference from Houses Riegan and Goneril, we have yet to secure their cooperation.
Claude obviously hopes to keep the Alliance whole through diplomacy.
But because we have had to focus our efforts against the church until now, our forces have yet to meet his.
We have only recently begun to take the fight to Alliance territory.
Five years.
フェルディナント: あれから5年……多くのことが起こり、過ぎ去っていった。
Ferdinand: The last five years have been difficult at times.
My relationship with Edelgard is rather contentious, due to the incident with my father.
Nevertheless, I cannot abandon my family's duties.
As Duke Aegir, I must play my part in the Imperial army.
Edelgard intends to abolish the nobility, but I know I can dissuade her from doing so.
Hello, Professor!
リンハルト: やあ、先生。僕は貴方が生きてて、とても嬉しいですよ。
Linhardt: Professor! Do you know how happy I was to hear you were still alive?
I'll tell you how happy―for the past two days, I haven't had my morning or my afternoon naps.
Choice 1: 朝寝……? Morning...nap? (Linhardt ⤴)
リンハルト: え? 朝起きたら、まず寝ますよね。それを朝寝って言いません?
Linhardt: Yes?
Choice 2: それまでは寝ていた? You were taking those naps every day?
リンハルト: もちろんです。行軍中はできませんよね……。はあ……。
Linhardt: Well, as long as we weren't marching. Can't sleep much then...but it's not for want of trying...
リンハルト: あ、そういえば、もう一つ、嬉しいことがありますよ。
Linhardt: By the way, with Professor Hanneman not around... I've occupied his room. So I am well equipped to perform research on you. Isn't that exciting?
Let's do this!
Caspar: All right, I'm ready to fight! Let's do this!
カスパル: よし! 気合バッチリだ!いつでもいけるぜ、オレは!
Choice 1: 気が早い Whoa, slow down.
カスパル: ああ、そうだな!逸る気を抑えねえと、やらかしそうだぜ。
Caspar: You're right! I gotta keep it under control or I'm gonna wear myself out too quickly.
Maybe I'll just get rid of a few monsters...or is that too risky right before a mission?
Choice 2: 期待している I'm counting on you. (Caspar ⤴)
カスパル: 任せとけ! オレが敵全軍……のうち1割くらいを受け持ってやる!
Caspar: Leave it to me! I can take on the whole...most of the enemy's army!
know my limits now, Professor!
I can do this!
ベルナデッタ: 先生……出陣、するんですよね?しかも結構、遠出……。
Bernadetta: Are we leaving for battle? I heard it's a long march.
But it's fine! I've had plenty of time to stay inside lately, so I think it's time I...went out.
Yeah! I can do this. No more Bernie-bear!
Choice 1: 穴熊……? Bernie-bear?
ベルナデッタ: ずっと部屋に籠もってるからって……敵じゃなく仲間から呼ばれるんですよお!?
Bernadetta: Oh yeah. People call me Bernie-bear since I hole up in my den all the time. Not anymore though!
Choice 2: その意気だ That's the spirit. (Bernadetta ⤴)
ベルナデッタ: はい! あ、でも最前線は嫌です!後ろのほうでお願いします!
Bernadetta: Yes! But, um. Please don't put me up front, OK?
♪ Laaa-la-laaa-la-laaa... ♪
ドロテア: らーららーららー……♪
Dorothea: Laaa-la-laaa-la-laaa...
Professor! Oh my! It's so good to see you.
These days, so many old friends seem to be disappearing.
But you... You're here! It's incredible to see you again after five years!
I have a feeling your name will go down in history.
I have certainty.
ペトラ: エーデルガルト様、帝国、掌握です。王国と同盟へ、圧力、強める、しています。
Petra: Edelgard is controlling the Empire. She is putting the pressure on the Kingdom and Alliance.
Empire and religion are at open war. It will be...difficult for us at first.
But corrupt nobles are many. That means the common people will rebel and be joining our side.
With you, Professor, the battle tides will...ah, will turn. I have certainty.
Mark my words.
フェリクス: この5年、皇帝の下で戦ってきた。……少なくない数の敵を斬ってきた。
Felix: For five years, I've fought for the Empire. I've cut down hordes of enemies.
Now I have the same look in my eyes that the boar used to have in his.
The look of a savage beast who loves nothing but destruction and violence.
Choice 1: そんな顔には見えない I don't see that look in your eyes.
フェリクス: …だといいがな。
Felix: I hope not.
Choice 2: そうかもしれない You're right. (Felix ⤴)
フェリクス: フン……もう、奴を笑えんな。
Felix: Hmph. I can hardly hold it against him anymore.
フェリクス: お前もエーデルガルトも、俺を失望させるなよ……絶対にだ。
Felix: You and Edelgard must not disappoint me. Mark my words.
The future you're building had better be worth all this bloodshed.
It's reassuring to see you.
アッシュ: 先生が戻ってきてくれて、良かったです。みんなにも笑顔が戻ったというか……。
Ashe: Since you came back, everyone's been smiling.
Just you being here makes an incredible difference.
I can't express how reassuring it is to see you.
Hey, Professor.
シルヴァン: よっ、先生。……ほーんと、久しぶりですねえ。
Sylvain: Hey, Professor. It's been a really long time, hasn't it?
The last five years have been full of heartbreak-not from girls...but friends and family becoming enemies.
One of the things that kept me going was the hope you'd return, and now here you are.
A lot has changed, but you're back, and it's the first time I can remember being happy in a while.
I have to keep my chin up!
メルセデス: 同明領にも王国にも、友達はいるし……戦いはいつも気が重くなるわね~……。
Mercedes: I have good friends in both the Alliance and Faerghus, so this fighting weighs heavily on me...
I can't bear the thought of battling the Knights of Seiros to the death!
I have to keep my chin up though, right? Let's press on together, Professor.
I have no regrets.
アネット: あたしの父さん、元々はファーガスの王家に仕える騎士だったんです。
Annette: My father used to be a knight in service of the royal family of Faerghus.
For a time he was at the monastery, but apparently, he's back in Faerghus serving as a knight again.
Which means if I fight with this family, I'll eventually have to face my own father...
Choice 1: 抜けるなら今だ If you want to leave, now is the time.
アネット: そ、そんなこと言わないでくださいよ!あたしだって腹をくくったんですから!
Annette: Don't say that! I know what I'm doing and I'm ready for anything.
Choice 2: 怖い? Does that frighten you? (Annette ⤴)
アネット: ……はい。すごく……怖い。でも、あたしだって腹をくくったんです。
Annette: Terribly. But...I've accepted my fate. I'm ready for anything.
アネット: それは、まあ……できることなら、父さんとは戦いたくない、ですけど……。
Annette: Of course, if at all possible, I would prefer not to fight my father. This is the path I chose. I have no regrets.
We can't afford to let our guard down.
イングリット: 王国は殿下……いえ、新王の指揮の下、一つにまとまりつつあります。
Ingrid: His Highness, the new king, is in process of unifying the Kingdom under his command.
His powerful army has joined forces with the Knights of Seiros, who moved their seat to Faerghus.
And now they're presenting a unified front against the Imperial army. They're our greatest enemy, absolutely.
Choice 1: 勝てるだろうか…… I wonder if we can win.
イングリット: 現状を鑑みるに、何とも……。だからこそ、先に同盟領を攻め落とすのには賛成です。
Ingrid: Presently, it's doubtful. That's why I'm in favor of first capturing Alliance lands.
Choice 2: 祖国と戦えるのか Can you fight against your homeland? (Ingrid] ⤴)
イングリット: そうですね……気は進みませんが、もう後戻りはできませんから。
Ingrid: I don't relish the idea, but there's no turning back now.
For now, we should focus our efforts on the Alliance. The Kingdom and church can come afterwards.
イングリット: ……ミルディン大橋を守るジュディット様は“烈女”と讃えられるお方。
Ingrid: Judith, who defends the Great Bridge of Myrddin, is a formiddable opponent.
We can't afford to drop our guard.
Judith is strong.
ローレンツ: ……我々が同盟領に攻め入っても、グロスタール家は不戦を貫くはずだ。
Lorenz: House Gloucester will remain staunchly neutral in this war. Even if we press into Alliance territory.
My father is no threat to the Empire. Lady Edelgard surely understands that.
The Great Bridge of Myrddin, however, is another story. I hear it is held by Judith of House Daphnel.
She is renowned for her military prowess. We would do well not to underestimate her.
I got myself into perfect shape!
Raphael: Hey, Professor! What have you been up to for five years? Hope you haven't gone soft! I got myself into perfect shape. Took all five years of pushing my muscles to the limit, but look!
ラファエル: おう、先生! 5年も何してたんだ。体、鈍ってんじゃねえのか?
Choice 1: たくましくなった You look very strong. (Raphael ⤴)
ラファエル: だろおお?? 先生もしっかり鍛えろよな!
Raphael: You bet I do! You gotta get training if you want to catch up!
Choice 2: 変わらないような I don't really see a difference...
ラファエル: わかんねえかなあ、先生!脱ぐか? ここで脱いだほうがいいか?
Raphael: What?! Can't you see my muscles? Do I gotta undress so you can get a better look?
Welcome back!
イグナーツ: また先生に会えるんじゃないかと思って、ここへ来てみて大正解でしたよ!
Ignatz: I thought you might be at the monastery. That's why I made my way here.
I decided to follow your path, because I believed in you. But then you vanished.
Now that you've returned, I have my guiding light once again. Welcome back, Professor!
Guide us to victory, Professor!
リシテア: 先生が来てくれて安心しましたよ。このところ、戦線がだいぶ膠着してたので。
Lysithea: I'm relieved you're here, Professor. It seems we've reached a stalemate on the war front.
I admit I'm feeling apprehensive about fighting the Alliance...
Choice 1: 迷いは捨てよう You have to cast aside your doubts. (Lysithea ⤴)
リシテア: ……そうですよね。目標に向かって、突き進むだけです!
Lysithea: I agree. It's time to shelve my personal feelings and focus on the bigger picture.
Choice 2: 無理はしなくていい You don't have to do anything if you don't want to.
リシテア: いえ……迷いは捨てます。目標に向かって、突き進まないと!
Lysithea: No. I have to shelve my personal feelings. There are bigger things at play here.
リシテア: わたしも精一杯戦いますから、しっかり勝たせてくださいね、先生。
Lysithea: I'll fight at full force. I'm counting on you to lead us to victory, Professor.
I want to see it...
マリアンヌ: ……私がここにいるのは、義父の意向です。同盟と帝国、どちらが勝ってもいいように。
Marianne: My adoptive father sent me here so our family name would be known.He doesn't care which side wins, the Empire or the Alliance.
However, even if he tells me to come home, I intend to stay.
I want to see this new world Edelgard dreams of.
I'm glad to see you're well.
レオニー: やれやれ……あんたが無事で良かったよ。
Leonie: I'm so glad to see you're all right.
I really regretted not being able to keep the promise I made to my mentor.
Choice 1: 師匠って? Mentor?
レオニー: ジェラルト師匠だよ! わたしは一番弟子!そんなことも忘れちまったのか?
Leonie: Captain Jeralt, obviously! I'm still his first and greatest apprentice, you know!
Choice 2: 約束って? Promise? (Leonie ⤴)
レオニー: 師匠に万一のことがあれば、わたしが先生を支えてくれって、師匠に言われてたんだよ。
Leonie: Captain Jeralt told me that if anything should happen to him, then I should stick by you.
レオニー: とにかく、これからあんたを支えることで、師匠との約束を果たさせてもらうからね。
Leonie: I'm going to do just what he asked. I'll be right here to support you from now on.
アロイス: やっ……!………………。
Alois: Ah!
Byleth: や……? Ah?
アロイス: やっと会えたあああああ!会えたぞおおおお!
生きていると信じ続けた我が執念!振り払う疑念! 貴殿を捜して5年!
ついに貴殿に会えた! ……下流の村をずっと張っていた甲斐があったな。
Alois: At long last, we meet again!
I knew you were alive. I knew you could survive. And five years on, you arrive!
We're reunited! I'm glad I kept watch for you in the downstream villages all that time.
I was so devoted to finding you that I left the Knights of Seiros.
Now I serve no one... Other than you! I'll protect you, just as I promised Captain Jeralt I would all those years ago.
What's that look on your face?
シャミア: 何だ、その顔は。私がいるのが意外か。
Shamir: What's that look on your face? Surprised to see me?
I'm a mercenary. Always have been. Even when I was with the Knights of Seiros.
I never was too attached to Fódlan. I was considering leaving soon.
But I might change my mind if you're around.
You were asleep for five whole years?
ハンネマン: ほう、ついに君も来たのかね。見てのとおり、我輩は帝国軍に属している。
Hanneman: You've finally joined us, haven't you? I attached myself to the Imperial army as well. Seemed the thing to do. I feel I owe it to Edelgard to set my past feelings about the Empire aside. I am happy to help her.
ハンネマン: 奇しくも5年前の教師3人が、顔を揃えることになったな。
Hanneman: It's strange, isn't it? After five years, the three Professors are together once more.
ハンネマン: しかし、驚いたよ。君は5年も眠っていたのだろう?
Hanneman: I am most curious though. You say you were asleep for five whole years?
Incredible. Perhaps this is another effect of your Crest. I do look forward to investigating you in greater detail.
Choice 1: お手柔らかに We can talk about that. (Hanneman ⤴)
ハンネマン: 協力してくれるのだな?無論、悪いようにはせんから安心したまえ。
Hanneman: Wonderful news! I am most excited to begin. We must find the time, of course.
Choice 2: また後で…… Uh, maybe later...
ハンネマン: どこへ行こうとも、観察させてもらうぞ。研究の手を休めるわけにはいかんからな。
Hanneman: I'll have to be content with observing you wherever you go, then. I cannot waste any opportunity!
What have I been doing?
マヌエラ: 5年前の戦いの後、帝国軍はガルグ=マクを占拠したわ。
Manuela: After the battle five years ago, the Imperial army occupied Garreg Mach.
The cathedral and several other buildings were destroyed, but...
We've done some repair work here and there, and we're using the buildings as a base of operations.
As for me? Well, the church movs headquarters to Faerghus, and I've seen no reason to follow.
When I returned to Enbarr, I received a summons from Her Majesty, and I chose to answer.
It's hard on everyone...
アンナ: あっちもこっちも物騒で、行商仲間も困ってるみたい。
Anna: There's unrest everywhere these days. All of my fellow merchants seem to be endangered.
I hope things go back to normal soon. People need more to smile about, aside from my great deals.
You survived...
イエリッツァ: 生きていたか……。それは、僥倖だ……。
Jeritza: You survived. How very fortunate...
Were you dead, I wouldn't be able to fight you. But you are very much alive―now I've a chance to kill you.
Leave it to us. / I really like this job!
ランドルフ: 新顔だな。俺はランドルフ=フォン=ベルグリーズ。
Randolph: Ah, a new face. I am Randolph von Bergliez.
I'm the guardian of this place. Wait a moment... I'm sure I've seen you somewhere before.
Choice 1: 5年前の…… Five years ago...
Choice 2: 先生だ I'm a professor.
ランドルフ: あ! あなたは、陛下の……先生?生きていたのですね! これは失礼を。
Randolph: Ah yes! You're Her Majesty's professor. You're alive?! Um...
Oh, this is my little sister, Fleche. She's just a rookie, but she's helping me as my assistant.
フレーチェ: は……初めまして。フレーチェ=フォン=ベルグリーズです。
Fleche: H-hello. I'm Fleche von Bergliez. It's nice to meet you.
I know I'm inexperienced, but I'm going to do my best. You can count on me to look after my big brother!
ランドルフ: 今節、同盟領へ進軍するとか。俺はあなたたちの留守を預かります!
Randolph: I heard you're planning to march into Alliance territory. I'll be here to guard the fort.
Greetings, Professor!
門番: お疲れ様です!本日も異常なしであります!
え? 教団に、兄弟がいないか?よくご存じですね!
Gatekeeper: Greetings, Professor! Nothing to report!
What's that? Do I have brothers in the church? You really are well informed!
My older twin works for the Knights of Seiros, but I think he's just a grunt.
Not a noble gate keeper like yours truly. Unlike me, he's very devout. He left the Empire a long time ago.
Do you know of Acheron?
兵士: ミルディン大橋の北側は同盟の小領主、アケロンの領地ですが……
Soldier: The north side of the Great Bridge of Myrddin is in the territory of Acheron of the Alliance.
He's known as "the weathervane." He's a notoriously flippant man.
A man like that doesn't have the guts to give it all for the defense of that bridge.
Gonna give it my all!
市民: 私は数年前からここで働いているんです。他にもたくさんの人が働いてますよ。
Citizen: I've been working here for a few years now. There are plenty of others working here too.
Since the acolytes and students aren't here, it's up to us to pick up the slack.
It's quieted down.
兵士: 教団を敵に回したことで、市民の間では小さからぬ混乱が生じていましたが……
Soldier: By making an enemy of the church, disorder is running rampant among the populace.
It's quieted down over these last five years though. The well-being of Her Majesty is steadily improving.
War hasn't been good for business.
商人: 大貴族の多くが失脚したことで、商家への締めつけは緩くなりました。
Merchant: Since the great nobles lost their standing, the regulation of the merchant houses has relaxed somewhat.
You'd probably have thought that would make it easier for us to profit...but the world isn't so simple.
The war has made the price of goods unstable, causing no end of hardship for the people.
The Alliance army...
兵士: 王国軍とは西部戦線で戦闘がありましたが、同盟軍とまともに戦うのは初めてです。
Soldier: There were clashes with the Kingdom army near the western front, but this is the first time the Alliance army has had an honest-to-goodness fight.
I hear their leader's pretty competent, but the Alliance army is pretty tough too.
We must crush House Daphnel.
兵士: 同盟領内で、西側を領地とする主な貴族は、ダフネル家とグロスタール家だな。
Soldier: Within the territories of the Alliance, the Gloucester and Daphnel houses dominate the west.
House Gloucester has always supported the Empire. There's not much chance of them defying us.
So all that needs to be done to restore peace in the west now is to crush House Daphnel.
That's my take on it, anyway.
職人: セイロス教がインチキだと聞いた時は、目ん玉飛び出るくらい驚いたもんだが……
Artisan: I was so surprised to hear that the faith of Seiros was a sham, my eyes nearly popped out of my skull.
But just because the church lied to us doesn't mean that the goddess isn't real.
That's my take on it, anyway. I'd feel very anxious with no one to pray to...
History is written by the victors.
学者: 歴史というものは、時の権力者によって都合の良いように改ざんされるのが常だ。
Scholar: It's normal for history to be revised in favor of those who hold the power.
The documents in this library are no exception. It's perfectly possible for someone to have made s to them.
But it's my belief that no one has the power to blot out the truth entirely.
I like to read the same texts over and over again. That way, I can spot some of the truths hidden between the lines...
Welcome back.
ユーリス: んー……あんた、そんな顔だったっけ?
Yuri: Huh... Is that... It is you, isn't it?
I kinda forgot what you looked like.
Choice 1: ユーリスも変わった You've changed too.
ユーリス: そりゃあ……5年もあれば、人は変わるさ。赤ん坊だって、歩き回って喋り出すだろ。
Yuri: No doubt. A lot can happen in five years. A baby goes from crawling and babbling to walking and talking in that time.
Choice 2: 酷い Ouch... (Yuri ⤴)
ユーリス: 悪い悪い、忘れてたってわけじゃねえんだ。この5年は死ぬほど忙しかったからさあ……
Yuri: Aw, I didn't mean any harm. It's just that so much has happened. It's hard to keep track, you know?
ユーリス: とにかく、あんたが戻ってきてくれたんだ。ここに留まったのは間違いじゃなかったな。
Yuri: Anyway, you came back, and that's what matters. Staying here wasn't a mistake. I can say that much.
We should celebrate!
バルタザール: おい、お前。おれたちを5年間も放っとくとはどういう了見だ。▼
Balthus: Hey, pal. You've got a lot of nerve coming here after ignoring us for five years!
Byleth: ………………。
バルタザール: だっはっはっは! そんな顔すんなって!冗談に決まってんだろ?
Balthus: Ha! Got ya! All this time, and you still can't take a joke, can ya?
Good job surviving and clawing your way back to us. This day couldn't get better if it tried.
Choice 1: 良かった It's nice to see you too.
Choice 2: 驚いた I didn't expect such a warm reception.
バルタザール: さあ、さっさと上で宴を開こうぜ。もう教師も生徒もねえし……
Balthus: Heh. Say, now that you're back, we should celebrate with some liquid gold. We're not your students anymore, so it should be fine, yeah?
Oh... I like this idea. We'll make it a wild party! Even the emperor won't be able to turn it down.
The stalemate shall give way.
コンスタンツェ: 貴方、聞きまして?ついに同盟に向けて全面攻勢に出ますのよ。
Constance: If you haven't heard, we'll soon be launching a full-scale assault on the Alliance.
Her Majesty has searched relentlessly for you. Now that you're found, her moment has come.
Choice 1: それほど? Really? She looked that intensely? (Constance ⤴)
コンスタンツェ: ええ、あれほど必死になる方だったなんて、思いもしませんでしたわ。
Constance: Yes. Before then, I had never known her to show such...desperate resolve.
Choice 2: たまたまでは She didn't just happen upon me?
コンスタンツェ: そんなはずありませんわ。それだけ貴方が重要だったということでしょう。
Constance: I think not. You were, it sounded to me, crucial to her plans.
コンスタンツェ: いずれにせよ、膠着気味だった情勢は、一気に動くことになりそうですわ。
Constance: The stalemate we've been locked in shall give way very abruptly.
We have your appearance to thank for that.
Abyss is OK.
ハピ: アビス、残ってるでしょ。ヒューが維持してくれたんだって。
Hapi: Abyss is OK. The Bert kept it safe out of the goodness of his heart. Ha. Kidding, of course.
He said the "lowlifes" here could be useful, because they won't mind fighting dirty, or rooting out spies. Or...something along those lines.
I didn't pay much attention to that part.
Choice 1: いつもどおりだ You haven't changed much since I left.
ハピ: そーだね。油断すると嬉しくてニヤニヤしちゃうから、我慢してるし。
Hapi: Yeah. Honestly, I'm psyched that you're back. It's all I can do to stop myself from whooping with joy.
Choice 2: 感動の再会は? Aren't you glad I'm back? (Hapi ⤴)
ハピ: ガラじゃなくない? 油断すると嬉しくてニヤニヤしちゃうから、我慢してるし。
Hapi: You don't know the half of it. It's all I can do to stop myself from whooping with joy.
Time flies!
番人: 先生、お疲れさんです。ここは本日も異常ありですよ。
いやあ、あんた生きてたんですね。5年ぶりですか? 懐かしいなあ。
俺ですか? ずっとここにいましたよ。他に行く当てもないんでね。
Abysskeeper: Hey, you. Listen up. I've got something to report.
It's you. You're still alive! It's been five whole years, hasn't it? Time flies when you're standing guard.
That's right. I've been here the whole time. Day in and day out. Not like I have anywhere else to be.
The Imperial Army hasn't interfered with us all that much, so it's business as usual here in Abyss. I mean, as usual as it gets here, anyhow.
A lot of folks have cleared out.
ごろつき: あの戦い以来、この街を出ちまった奴らも多い。
Rogue: A lot of folks cleared out once the fighting started.
People are saying it was the church that used to keep order around here.
ごろつき: だが、今のところはユーリスのおかげで無法地帯には戻らずに済んでるよ。
Rogue: But it's Yuri who's saving us from complete chaos.
I have no regrets.
住民: 私は教団の修道士でしたが……罪を犯して地上にはいられなくなってしまいました。
Resident: I used to be a rather important person in the church, but...I am in exile for committing a crime.
I embezzled some money. But it wasn't out of greed!
My hometown was pillaged, you see, and the church wasn't putting in enough to rebuild...
:ヒューベルト: 不足している物資の調達に、貴殿も協力してほしいのですが、引き受けてもらえますね?
Hubert: Would you assist us in securing more resources?
ヒューベルト: 物資調達に協力してくれて、感謝しますよ。ささやかですが、お礼の品を受け取ってもらいましょう。
Hubert: Thank you for helping to gather resources. Please accept this simple gift, by way of compensation.
クエスト受注:深森に消えた弓兵団 Dealing with Deserters
兵士: フォドラの首飾りを守っていた兵の一部が任務を放棄して脱走したそうです。
Soldier: Some soldiers stationed at Fódlan's Locket abandoned their points. They weren't what you'd call upstanding folks. It would be a real headache for us if they became bandits and started wreaking havoc in the towns.
Receiving Quest
兵士: フォドラの首飾りから逃げ出した兵を討伐したそうですね?
Soldier: I heard that you handed a crushing defeat to those Fódlan's Locket deserters. Sounds like, after your little intervention, they've changed their tune and are back on our side.Thanks for keeping 'em in line.
ハピ: アビスに星を占う人が来てるって。気になるなら探してみれば?よく当たるって評判らしいし。
ハピ: 何か占ってもらった?ハピは興味ないかな。ムダに希望は持ちたくないし、不幸を占われるのも腹が立つじゃん?
学者: セイロス聖教会が作成した表には出せない書物の目録がアビスに出回っているらしいの。どうにかして入手できないかしら……。
学者: ありがとう。写させてもらったわ。ここに書かれてる本は、あなたにとっても役に立つかもしれない。書庫に行って探してみたらどうかしら。
傭兵: 高名な占星術師がガルグ=マクを訪れたらしいの。でも、「地上」では占ってもらえないって聞いたわ。どこにいるのかしら。気にならない?
傭兵: 地下の、アビス……?そんなところにいたのね。占ってもらいたいけど、私が行けるような場所なのかしら、そこは……。